Telemedicine and Telehealth: Understand the difference between these two terms

Telemedicine and telehealth are among the main tools for health care in the world.

These tools aim to assist patients and health professionals, who are connected from anywhere through internet, regardless of physical distance.

Some of the benefits are cost reduction, time savings, convenience and expansion of the service network.

But do you know the difference between Telemedicine and Telehealth? Don’t worry, we will explain everything.

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of information systems, communication and technologies in general in the healthcare field, providing specializations, interactions and direct services, aimed at professionals.

It is a broader concept, which involves:

  • Distance learning courses and classes related to healthcare
  • Health consulting
  • Storage and sharing of medical information
  • Knowledge exchange between health professionals
  • Telemedicine

And what does Telemedicine mean?

As you can see, telemedicine is a category that is within the concept of telehealth. It is easier to understand, because it is limited only to the use of telecommunications technology that covers distance medical care.

This includes:

  • Virtual care, in which the patient connects with the doctor without having to leave their home
  • Storage, access and interpretation of medical exams
  • Online chat between experts to ask questions and discuss more complex cases
  • Remote patient monitoring

What is the difference between Telemedicine and Telehealth?

Telehealth had its first records around the 20th century, when radio was the tool used to provide information and medical services to Antarctica.

Telemedicine appeared only in 1970, in the United States, with the purpose of bringing medical care to rural areas.

Thus, in summary, Telemedicine and Telehealth are different initiatives with the same purpose: to increase the quality and expand the access of health services.

However, while telemedicine is limited to clinical patient care, telehealth is a broader concept because it involves educational, administrative and other non-clinical health activities.


EMERGE is passionate about facilitating the productiveness and efficiency of service in the healthcare industry. We aim to bring satisfaction to every clients, whether it is making hospitals and clinics more prepared for accepting patients and cutting their operational costs, or saving patients’ time by avoiding frustrating waiting lines.

Mental health post-pandemic: 7 tips to maintain your well-being

Check out these tips to preserve mental health post pandemic

More than a year ago, the World Health Organization declared the pandemic due to the new coronavirus. A very difficult reality was imposed on us overnight, and although feelings of empathy and solidarity grew stronger, as physical distancing restrictions were prolonged, anxiety, fear and stress also took over.

The coming of vaccines has given us an air of hope that the disease will end soon, and life will return to normal. However, in times of uncertainty and so many restrictions, in the long run the impacts of the pandemic on mental health can be expected such as mourning, increased depression, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, alcohol and drug abuse, among other psychological problems.

7 tips for taking care of mental health during and post-pandemic

Given this impact, it is important to evaluate ways to preserve mental health during and post the pandemic. We have listed 7 tips for you to already start practicing:

Avoid reading too much news

Staying informed is very important. However, consuming excessive bad news directly impacts our health, as such habit can trigger sadness, anxiety and stress. So if you can, protect your mind: avoid reading so much negative news.

Maintain a balanced diet

Taking care of the body is also taking care of the mind! Eating healthy helps to decrease symptoms of anxiety, discouragement and depression. Prioritize a balanced diet, and try to include nutrients that help in the proper functioning of the brain, such as iron, vitamin D, and B-complex vitamins.

Do physical exercises

Whether it’s walking, swimming, dancing, bodybuilding, jumping rope… be sure to practice physical activity, because the more we move our body, the healthier you will be. 30 minutes of exercise a day is enough to contribute to the production of hormones and neurotransmitters of well-being.

Take time for yourself

Don’t fill your days with only mandatory activities! If possible, book from 30 minutes to 1 hour a day in your calendar to do something you like: read a book, watch a movie or a series, cook, listen to music, meditate, dance, etc. The important thing is to find a pleasurable activity for you to go out of automatic mode and to be able to relax.

Strengthen bonds

In times of social distancing, technology is an important ally for cultivating our bonds. Whether by message, phone call or video calls, chatting with friends or family helps alleviate bad feelings.

Sleep well

Having quality sleep is one of the essential pillars to keep the body and mind healthy. Therefore, try to sleep the recommended amount for an adult (7 to 8 hours a day), for this, turn off electronic devices 1 hour before bedtime, avoid caffeine consumption and exercise at night.

If needed, seek professional help

Last but not least. If you are having difficulty dealing with your emotions, do not hesitate to seek professional mental health help. Now that telemedicine and virtual care have come to stay, you can find a specialist without leaving home.

EMERGE is passionate about facilitating the productiveness and efficiency of service in the healthcare industry. We aim to bring satisfaction to all our clients, whether it is making hospitals and clinics more prepared for accepting patients and cutting their operational costs, or saving patients’ time by avoiding frustrating waiting lines.